Tag Archives: costa rica photography

JR’s Grill….my favorite skewers and some amazing street food marketing

I love the street food in Tamarindo, Costa Rica.... This guy knows how to market. He delivers a great product and uses some of the best marketing strategies available, which are free. Most won't, he does. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JJsKebabs/ TripAdvisor: https://www.tripadvisor.com/Restauran... Check out JR's grill....where he claims, and proves his 5 star status as the best…
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Our 7 day road trip from Tamarindo to Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica…

Tina has always wanted to visit the east coats of Costa Rica, namely Puerto Viejo. She organized a 7 day road trip with the added reason that we needed to do a border run and get our tourist visas updated on our passports. Here's a video summary of this trip. Enjoy Rob [embed]https://youtu.be/HO5F52f-Uig[/embed]
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Costco in Costa Rica…

It's called Price Smart. A short video from our most recent trip...enjoy. Rob [embed]https://youtu.be/xwJ-X4jBsXE[/embed]  
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SaintCecilia at Chiringuitos, Tamarindo

This was like being at a rock concert. But near the beach. And a small, happy, dancey crowd enjoying the up and coming SaintCecilia. These guys are nothing less than amazing. Listen for yourself. Even the drummer playing the kazzoo really sounds great.Enjoy Rob [embed]https://youtu.be/82YploFmPXQ[/embed]  
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Photos from SanFrancisco Point, Tamarindo, Costa Rica

Another fun sunset experience. It was busier than normal at one of my favorite spots on the point. Maybe because it was a Sunday and the locals Costa Ricans like to enjoy the sunset. Which they do...A few images. Enjoy Rob [caption id="attachment_4108" align="aligncenter" width="1600"] Waves into art[/caption] [caption id="attachment_4109" align="aligncenter" width="1600"] The point from…
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Dave and Lisa at Coco Beach

We took a day trip out to hang our with Dave and Lisa, who are also from our home town, Sudbury, Ontario. They're in Coco Beach for four months and loving every minute of it. A short video. Enjoy [embed]https://youtu.be/WFIXA5KNWPY[/embed]
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