Our 7 day road trip from Tamarindo to Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica…

Tina has always wanted to visit the east coats of Costa Rica, namely Puerto Viejo. She organized a 7 day road trip with the added reason that we needed to do a border run and get our tourist visas updated on our passports. Here's a video summary of this trip. Enjoy Rob [embed]https://youtu.be/HO5F52f-Uig[/embed]
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Visiting Rincon De La Vieja Hot springs

We've been there many times. A favorite spot to bring guests to. When there if you go earlier you'll miss all the tour vans that seems to show up mid-late afternoon. Make sure you bring  snack, bathing suit and walk the trails across the street. It's a short walk and you'll find four amazing waterfalls…
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Costco in Costa Rica…

It's called Price Smart. A short video from our most recent trip...enjoy. Rob [embed]https://youtu.be/xwJ-X4jBsXE[/embed]  
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SaintCecilia at Chiringuitos, Tamarindo

This was like being at a rock concert. But near the beach. And a small, happy, dancey crowd enjoying the up and coming SaintCecilia. These guys are nothing less than amazing. Listen for yourself. Even the drummer playing the kazzoo really sounds great.Enjoy Rob [embed]https://youtu.be/82YploFmPXQ[/embed]  
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